Field studies


StudioStrategy makes use of different research methodologies, which can be classified into four distinct types:

Quantitative research

This is market research which uses formalized data collection systems and which has the objective of describing the phenomena observed, verifying hypotheses on the basis of statistical analyzes of the numerical data collected. Quantitative, or extensive, research is based on the analysis of survey samples of high sample size.

Methods used: direct survey conducted face-to-face and paper questionnaire; telephone survey with interviewers and both paper and computerized questionnaire (CATI); postal survey for self-completion (questionnaire and diary); survey by delivery and collection by the interviewers of questionnaires for self-completion (questionnaire and diary) and survey by self-completion with telematic acquisition (online searches or CAWI).

Online searches or CAWI, Computer Aided Web Interviews, are particularly appreciated by our structure: low implementation costs, speed in the delivery of results, possibility of multimedia supports and an initial immediate data processing are the main characteristics.

Among the quantitative methodologies, StudioStrategy uses the mystery shopping technique, whose main objective is to provide the customer with information on the work and quality of service offered by the customer service and by the sales structure.

Qualitative research

Methodologies used: focus groups and in-depth interviews. The focus groups are carried out in easily accessible rooms, specially equipped and equipped with audio and video recording systems ration. Particular attention is paid to the recruitment of participants. In-depth interviews can be carried out both in a central location and at the interviewee's residence or office. Use of survey techniques such as brain-storming, delphi, nominal group technique.


The recruitment of participants in the discussion interviews is outlined in the following points:

- internal recruitment: we keep qualified personnel within the structure with the function of recruiters to ensure better quality and control of the progress of the research;

- communication with the Client: our recruiters they always receive a detailed briefing from the Customer on the characteristics of the people to be recruited and are subjected to verification of compliance with these criteria;

- transparency: updated reports indicating the status of the recruitment;- methods: recruitment takes place by telephone, face-to-face or online.


Methodologies used: focus gro online ups, webcam focus groups, online chat focus groups, mobile phone researches, telephone focus groups, market research online communities.

Quali-quantitative research (integrated research)

Data collection takes place through the use of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Generally the qualitative phase precedes the quantitative one which is used to estimate the quantitative dimension of the results obtained during the qualitative phase. Not infrequently the quantitative phase precedes the qualitative. In this second hypothesis, the qualitative phase explores the results obtained in the extensive phase. Desk Research

Features of market reports

The market reports produced are aimed at the growth and competitiveness of the company and are distinguished by customization, quality and quantity of data (typically 100-200 pages), level of detail and validity as a source of business intelligence.

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